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New Entrepreneurs Should Attend StartupDay

My friend Marcelo Calbucci is putting on another fantastic event called StartupDay on Sept 26th 2009.  This will be a fantastic event for anyone that is thinking about starting a company.  Marcelo has lined
up a world-class line-up of speakers.  Unfortunately, I am one of the speakers so the general quality average will be dragged down dramatically.

I will be giving a talk on Funding Through Angels or VCs.  In that sentiment, I was struck my a Forbes article entitled "Why You Will Fail When Raising Money." The post was especially pertinent given the recent blogosphere fervor on the topic of bootstrapping your startup.  The local Seattle entrepreneurial community has had some great posts on this subject.  My talk will be riffing on the do's and don'ts of raising money.  In that vein, many local entrepreneurs have used this deck from a previous post to raise venture capital. 


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