Brand Verification Is a $200M Dollar Market In Just Two Years
Mpire continues to do some super compelling work in the ad optimization space. I do have a vested interest in the company but that does not address the fundamental fact that this market is exploding.
Some excellent proof points can be found in a study that was conducted by Mpire and Radar Research. They teamed up to conduct the first ever market survey on the verifcication and optimizaiton market. The report has a lot of interesting information for brands, agencies, and publishers. You can check it out here. Some key takeawyas from the report:
- Respondents who plan to spend part of their overall media budget on ad verification and optimization, on average, plan to spend 2.3%. Over $200M dollars in the next year from nascent the year before.
- in 2011 (an increase of more than 140% from 2010). This makes the verification space a rapdily growing market when one thins about 2.3% applied to the $10.12B display market.
- More than 70% of respondents say marketers and agencies paid for verification in 2010, but that number will drop to 56% in 2011, with publishers and networks picking up the bill for the difference.
- Advertisers expect CPM ads to be viewable. The days of selling below the fold and never-viewed ads are fading fast. Respondents rated InView impressions as the most important optimization metric provided by ad verification companies.
Lastly, I think the most compelling stat is that 80% of the respondents strongly agree that verification is good for the online ad industry. Aka there is going to be more demand for verification in the coming years.