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Where Are The Mobile Affiliates?

The affiliate marketing industry in the US was $3 billion last year. Mobile ads made up 6% or $6.2 billion of the US online ad spend last year.  What I haven't seen are the mobile app affiliates.   I talked recently to affiliate marketing guru Shawn Collins and he confirmed that he believes that the aptitude is really Affmobresearchlow for affiliates in the mobile space.  At ClickBank, we ran a recent study to ~100 of our affiliates and we determined that only 5.21% of our affiliate base is sophisticated in their mobile efforts.  50% of the respondedts indicated that they have not done anything yet.  Huh?

Getting your affiliate marketing turbo-charged is a no-brainer and everyone should be doing it.  We'll be rolling out our new mobile monetization service called Pytch to app developers and mobile affiliates.  I encourage you to go to the Pytch site and sign-up.  We have seen some early beta testers getting over $20 eCPM with their own apps that they have developed.  With such a low number of traditional affiliates on mobile, I smell a huge opportunity to those of you that are willing to jump in now.


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