Startup Whisperer Blog
Size Does Matter – 3 Tips To Assess Your Market Strategy
I was looking at an acquaintances business plan the other day regarding his new venture into an existing category. He was planning on raising venture capital but I saw a huge problem within a couple of turns of the digital page — the market he was going after was extremely small. There was really nothing wrong…
Cool Infographic On Mobile Games
This is an interesting infographic on the future of the mobile games business. This business is going to be huge with an $5 billion + in revenues this year growing to $11.4 billion worldwide by 2015. This projection shows a hegemonic shift to advertising and in-app purchases versus the paid retail model.This looks a tad…
Casual Games are Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changing
I am often asked why compete in the social games space when the market leaders have already been determined. This is not so. The market is so very dynamic. For instance, look at the chart below: Casual social games grew significantly over the past year. Now 50% of the top 10 social games were casual…
Startup Kobayashi Maru: Tips For Winning The No-Win Scenario
Note: Please read this and vote for me here For you Star Trek fans, you might remember the reference to the Kobayashi Maru at the beginning of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Its a simulated test for all Starfleet cadets which introduces a no win scenario option to the students officer training. …
The Story Of AdXpose: The Path To Liquidity Was Not A Straight-line
This is a re-post from The path to building AdXpose — which sold to comScore today for $22 million — was definitely not a straight one. With startups, it rarely is. (I recently gave a presentation on this topic at Casual Connect, which you can read here). Backed by Ignition Partners, the company was founded…
Comscore Purchases AdXpose
I am so very proud of the team over at AdXpose. I am the Chairman and was the CEO of the company. They just announced a sale today to Comscore. The market leading and industry innovative technology that we launched several years ago is now going to be on some serious rocketfuel combined with Comscore's…
Casual Connect Slides On Navigating Change
I recently wrote a post titled, '3 Tips For Managing Change.' As a follow-up, I delivered a speech based on these tenets this last week at Casual Connect that went into a lot of examples of companies that successfully managed themselves thru change. I used examples from Pandora, Rovio, Groupon, Facebook, and of course GameHouse. …
GameHouse Is Ready To Rumble
I am super excited to see the fruits of our collective labours at GameHouse this week. We're rolling out our new social game, Collapse Blast! as well as our new social version of GameHouse. I am excited to innovate again — this is a big week for us.
Kick Ass Prize At Casual Connect
I am speaking on Wednessday at Casual Connect in Seattle. I am giving away a super cool prize if you attend. Don't miss it.
3 Tips For Managing Change
If you are in a startup, you are naturally in the position of being a "change maker." You are naturally pursuing a new opportunity without a template for success. There is no proverbial teacher's textbook that can help guide your product and your business plan. It doesn't matter because you and your team and completely…
Younger, Experienced Startup Founders Are More Successful
At least these are the conclusions from a recent survey driven by Super Angel Investors David Lee and Ron Conway. I ususally don't re-blog large technical meme's but I thought that the TechCrunch Disrupt footage was very interesting. Some interesting data from the sample size of ~ 500 startup founders: – 89% of $500M exits…
Must See Gaming Panel Tomorrow
If you are in the Bellevue/Redmond area tomorrow, check out the panel sponsered by the WTIA. The topic is, "The Next New Thing in Gaming." The panel is being moderated by by Jordan Weismann, CEO of Go Go Kiddo and a serial entrepreneur. Fellow panelists, include: Big Fish Games' Founder Paul Thelan and Ed Fries…