Startup Whisperer Blog
Demand Side Platform Consolidation
Demand Side Platforms really took off in 2010. If you are in the advertising industry then you have undoubtedly heard of DSPs. These networks are similar to the traditional “supply-side” ad networks where publishers supply impressions for resale to agencies where the demand resides. The demand side is driven from the large media agencies and…
GameHouse Interview on KIRO with TechFlash
I had a great time at KIRO with the dynamic duo at TechFlash (Todd Bishop and John Cook). You can check out the post and our the podcast feed here. I didn't get a chance to plug local startups, sorry. But, I'll be doing some posts in the coming weeks on some new startups.
TechNW Event Is Going To Be Fantastic
I'll be moderating a gaming panel at TechNW in Seattle on Monday September 27th. We'll be conducting a fireside chat with Mike Peronto the CEO of WildTangent as well as David Roberts the CEO of Popcap. This is going to be a fantastic event featuring some of the most innovative technology companies in the Northwest. …
I’ll Plug You On The Radio
I am going to be on TechFlash on KIRO 97.3 FM this Friday. I will be talking about games and a bunch of other initiatives that I am working on. I typically get asked what are the cool/new startups in Seattle and was wondering if the community has any ideas on who I should plug. …
Amazon’s Start-up Challenge
Amazon is doing their annual AWS Start-Up Challenge. This is a great oppurtunity for startups that was launched back in 2007. There is chance to win $100,00 in cash and AWS credits. The only catch is that you obviously need to be using the AWS cloud platform. But, most of us startup folks already use…
Fred Wilson’s Advice On The CEO Role
Fred Wilson just did a fantastic little post titles, “What A CEO Does.” In the post, a venture capitalist states very succinctly that a CEO’s job is to do the following: “A CEO does only three things. Sets the overall vision and strategy of the company and communicates it to all stakeholders. Recruits, hires, and…
Popcap Wins Ping Pong Deathmatch
Competition brings out the best in all of us. Its fun to have a friendly rivalry. We hosted the team from Popcap recently to the RealNetworks offices to a Ping Pong tournament. Well, we lost big time. You can catch the some of action on Youtube here. I personally believe that the attire had something…
Congrats To Delve Networks
I am really proud of Alex Castro and the team at Delve Networks for having an exit event with Limelight. I have been on the advisory board since the company was called, Pluggd. They were one of the companies that I was tracking back in late 2008 as part of my case study series. Limelight…
Top 10 iPhone Applications For Entrepreneurs
I must say that I have become an Apple fanboy — I am a huge fan of the iPhone and iPad. I feel like Batman accessing a virtual array of applications to help me on my journey of being a entrepreneurial crime fighter. Here are my personal picks for must have applications for CEOs and…
Casual Connect Seatte Was Awesome
We had a fantastic time last week at Casual Connect this last week. GameHouse posted our 2nd Annual Great Games Awards and you can see the winners here. We had a fantastic time celebrating the industries creativity and innovation. Here are some pics from the event. More winners… Don't ask… More winners……
The Not-So-Casual Journey To Mainstream Entertainment
I had a great time yesterday delivering my speech at the Casual Connect Conference. I delivered a speech entitled, "The Not-So-Casual Journey To Mainstream Entertainment." The speech is available here: Download Matth_keynote_final In addition, it got picked up on MSNBC by Winda Benedetti. In the speech, I covered how the traditional casual gaming industry…
Top 5 Power Words For Entrepreneurs
Here is a list of my favorite power terms. If you use these terms you are guaranteed to sell your company for a premium valuation. Slip them into your daily operating and investing repertoire. Here are my favorite power terms: Asymptotic – Means approaching a value or curve arbitrarily closely (to infinity). Used in a…