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Product Launches Both Big and Small

Last week we had a couple of large announcements at the Web 2.0 conference in the games group.  First, we introduced GameHouse Fusion which is the first universal social gaming platform that provides the solution to a currently fragmented, disconnected consumer gameplay experience.  We also introduced our newest social application — GameHouse on Facebook which is a fun portal full of a massive catalog of thousands of socially connected games.

In order to get product launches done effectively in startups to large companies, you have to stick to several basic rules.  Check out this post that I did awhile ago for some tips.  The big difference between launching in big companies versus small companies is pretty clear.  Size certainly helps but it doesn't matter.  In startups, you ultimately have less bureaucracy around things like legal approvals, branding decisions, cross group dependencies.  However, you don't have any resources so your task is to somehow launch big enough to be seen as important over the deluge of technology noise.  You have to avoid being treated like a digital Rodney Dangerfield by launching bigger and seeming more important than you are at that point in time (while being credible). 

Back to our most recent launch, it was just a bast.  It was really fun
to foster a startup spirit around our new social platform. Pictured below is our VP of Product Management, Craig Robinson presenting at Web 2.0.

GH Fusion Web 20 v2
GH Fusion Web 20

Lots of long hours and late nights — it was perhaps the most rewarding seeing the team get to demo the product that they built to a live audience.  Overall, we got great coverage.  Lots of work to do over the summer to rollout more features and platforms.


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