Startup Whisperer Blog
Startup Fundraising Watch: Week Two – An Acquistion
I did a follow-up post on my TechFlash piece on the Seattle 2.0 site that is particularly cogent to our weekly tracking of 4 Seattle-based tech companies that are raising money. I included a grid comparing real-world Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 example shown in the Seattle 2.0 post that is super interesting. I included…
Guest Post on TechFlash
I did a guest post on TechFlash today that supports the idea that today's set of Internet startups are smarter than the Web 1.0 companies. Let me know what you think.
Startup Fundraising Watch: Tales from the Crypt
This is a post that I did on Seattle 2.0 this week. We talked about launching this last week on the startup whisperer. Here are the findings: ————————————————————————————————————————– The Startup Whisperer is tracking four early stage companies over the coming weeks. These companies are all early stage (Series B or lower). I continually hear from…
Seattle’s Startup Lawyer: An Interview with Craig Sherman of Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, and & Rosati
Below is a conversation with long-time Seattle startup concielgere', Craig Sherman, who is a partner at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, and & Rosati. I have known Craig for years and he's been in the catbird seat on Seattle startup deal flow for many years. Since there is so much interest in the overall trends in financing…
Embrace Failures
Seth Godin's recent post "Failure as an event" reminded me of a post that I did on Abe Lincoln on the Startup Whisperer. Read both posts and hopefully you will get the gist of them — persistence will pay off. Seth's self-effacing post reminded me that most startups end up changing their business model more…
Introducing Startup Case Studies
The MoneyTree Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers shows that total VC financings in the third quarter were down 7 percent YoY (16% for Internet investments). Because of this, I am getting a ton of questions from entrepreneurs around how hard is the investment environment for startups. I thought that it would be interesting to highlight several early…
Madrona Venture Group Is Pretty Darn Smart
Madrona threw a fantastic event on Oct 14th at their downtown Seattle offices. The focus of this event was online advertising. We all agreed that we weren't going to blog about the actual content of the meeting. Madrona pulled together execs from the most promising startups in Seattle as well as some several larger companies,…
Don’t Listen To Advice
I did a post on Seattle 2.0 today called, "Startup Zen: Top 5 Ways to Approach the Downturn." In it, I mention 5 recommendations for startups when the economy is tough. The last recommendation was "stop listening to people." I think its important to look within your company. Talk to your team, your investors, and…
Search like its 2001
Google brought back their earliest index in honor of its tenth anniversary. Its really cool to search when the Internet was a lot smaller.
Startups R.I.P?
By now, you have most likely read directly or have been forwarded the notes from Sequoia Capital's CEO All-Hands Meeting on Sand Hill Road yesterday. They had 100 of their CEO's in attendance yesterday. GigaOm did a nice job on covering the sentiment and Force of Good re-posted some notesfrom the Funded. The advice is…
Introducing Seattle 2.0
I am really excited to be contributing to Seattle 2.0. Marcelo Calbucci (Marcelo Calbucci)is a very passionate entrepreneur who started this wonderful place over a hear ago to help tech entrepreneurs build great companies. I will be contributing each week on a variety of topics. I will more than likely dig into some meatier subjects…
Cool Ad Recession Chart
I found this interesting article on Silicon Alley Insider. "Cool" is not the best choice of words in my title but it certainly shows the impact over time of recesssions. Its nice to see a big bounce on the other side of a recession, too: It shows the impact of recessions to the ad business. …